
A simple set of backbone views

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Fossil View

A set of Backbone base views to speed up developments.

This library can be used as a standalone component or as part of a Fossil project.

This package provides the following:

  • A Collection View is used to render a collection of model. Design an item view and you're done!
  • A Region Manager is used to split a layout into several smaller views.

Check the samples

Run tests

Tests can be run here.

Sample Code

A Simple Layout

var canvas = new Fossil.Views.RegionManager({
    regions: {
        content: ".content",
        sidebar: ".sidebar",
        menubar: "",
        footer: "footer"
    // `template` can either be a function or a string.
    // if `template` is a function, then it is called in view context.
    template: function () {
        return [
            '<nav class="menu"></nav>',
            '<section class="sidebar"></section>',
            '<section class="content"></section>',

canvas.registerView(new Backbone.View(), "menu");
canvas.registerView(new Backbone.View(), "sidebar");
canvas.registerView(new Backbone.View(), "content");
canvas.registerView(new Backbone.View(), "footer");


// Changing a subview is easy
canvas.registerView(new Backbone.View(), "content");

Using Collection Views

// use a model collection to manage items
var users = new Backbone.Collection();

var userList = new Fossil.Views.Collection({
    tagName: 'ul',
    collection: users,
    // create a view for your items
    itemView: Backbone.View.extend({
        render: function () {


    {name: "Joe"},
    {name: "Kevin"},
    {name: "Steeve"}

// you can specify an index
users.add({name: "Walter"}, {at: 1});


Using bower
bower install themouette/fossil-view
Using git
$ git clone git://
$ npm install

Include Fossil View In Your Project

Using AMD

First, ensure you have backbone and underscore in your shim definition, then set the fossil/view path:

    paths: {
        'fossil/view': 'path/to/fossil-view/src'
    shim: {
        'backbone': {deps: ['jquery', 'underscore'], exports: 'Backbone'},
        'underscore': {exports: '_'}

From now on, it is possible to quire the whole Fossil View or only the one you need:

], function (Views) {
    new Views.Collection();

or to use only a part:

], function (CollectionView) {
    new CollectionView();

Including The Whole Script

In your HTML, just incude the generated script:

        <script src="path/to/fossil-view/fossil-view.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script type="javascript">
            new Fossil.Views.Collection();


To run local server, use the npm start command.

To run the test suite, use the grunt test command.